Because were HAPPY!

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I absolutely love this list. I know that I can definitely be better about…well, all 12 of them. I have slowly but surely been getting back into Pilates in the mornings, and I am definitely eating much healthier (not necessarily by choice, but my gluten allergy helps!) (#12) I am in the process of learning to forgive some people in my past who have hurt me, I am ready to be free of the pain left behind by NOT forgiving. (#7) I help others as often as humanly possible and I will never stop doing that, it just feels good and my soul thrives on it! (#4)…but I definitely need to work on not over-thinking things and my anxious tendencies when trying to cope with stressful situations. (#3 & #6)



25 responses »

  1. #6- I still haven’t dealt with things from my past that I have pushed aside and tell myself it’s not a big deal and that it doesn’t affect me. But deep down I know it probably does and until I face the facts and learn to also forgive people from my last I will never have sense of ease.
    #10-I can definitely do better about not procrastinating and putting things off that either need to get done or goals I have set for myself personally.
    #11- I NEED to absolutely do this!! This goes along with number 10 for me about building my relationship with God. 🙂

  2. I could use help with all 12, really, ha ha ha, I swear I’m a pessimist with ADHD!

  3. Jenna @ A Savory Feast

    I love this! I have been working on a lot of these lately and have been way happier. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very pin-worthy! Thanks for posting. There are a few of these i need to work on.

  5. This is a fantastic list. I definitely need to work on #3 and 7.

  6. #3 avoid overthinking!!! My biggest weakness is overthinking EVERYTHING

  7. Wow, this list is so interesting. It seems like it would be so easy to be happy but it’s so complicated, isn’t it? I need to work on a handful of these, for sure!!

  8. What a fabulous list!! I especially love #4 and #9! I could definitely work on #10 a little more, though!

  9. Definitely the social comparison thing. My baby bump seems a lot smaller than other women at my stage of pregnancy. I keep feeling that perhaps that there is something wrong, even though all of my tests come back with positive results every time.

  10. This is great! Being happy seems so difficult, but that’s because we let it be! I need to work on a few (or all) of these!

  11. This is a great list. I know that I need to commit to goals a lot better than I do.

  12. Love these – and I totally agree with the one about savoring joys. That is so so important to keeping yourself balanced – or at least it helps me a ton!

  13. Love this list. It is so important the little things that can change an attitude.

  14. I love the commit to your goals one. Sometimes I have so much trouble with it, but when I get those things done, and put new goals on the list, it’s the best thing ever!

  15. i’ve been working on all of the above.. but i think i especially struggle with #6

  16. I think I can improve of caring for my body #12 it has suffered for too long. I love this post x

  17. I need to work on #6 and #7. Great list 🙂

  18. Learning how to forgive is a toughie for me, Great list love this!

  19. i couldn’t agree more with #1!!! i try to stop and take a moment to look at the little things in my life and be grateful for all that i can! this is really a great list, and there’s a lot i need to work on as well!

  20. These are all great tips. I keep seeing these lists around but outlook is SO important.

  21. I think I can definitely increase all of these in my life. A couple things that I try to do differently are to always find the positive aspects in each daily event and to shoot out random acts of kindness every where I go.

  22. Such great reminders! I def need to take better care about making time to keep my body healthy!


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